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Ah Adonai YAHUWAH! Bet Resh Aleph Shin Yad Taw


Psalms 2:12
Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from The Way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him.

The word translated as Son is Bar / Aramaic

Same Way as written in Bar Mitzvah

The First three letters of the Bible

Bet Resh Aleph

Bet - House/ Family

Resh - First ( Bet+Resh) Bar - Son

Aleph - Power (Bet+Resh+Aleph) Created

First three letters spell

House/Family Son Created


The Second three

Two pierced arm gift cross appointed

Shin Yad Taw

The letter Shin has several meanings, three crowns/crown of three

Sharp - Press - Two

Yad - Arm

Taw - The Meaning = Ancient Pictograph "a Cross"


Sharp press Two Arm Gift Appointed Cross


Shin+Yad = Gift or Present

Shin+Yad+Taw = Appointed

House/Family Son Created - Sharp press two Arm Gift Appointed Cross

Shay: Gift / Present H7862
[link to (secure)]

Shyt: Appointed / Set

Pictographically and Etymologically in order the first Six letters of the Scriptures.


Bet - Bar / Son

Resh - Ruach / Spirit

Aleph AB / Father


____Behold Nail Behold Arm

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart Pictographs and Meanings

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from Ancient Times the things that are not yet done, saying, My Counsel shall stand, and I will do All My Pleasure:

Isaiah 46:10